
Good conversations take place everywhere with ZÜBLIN Timber!

Foto vlnr: Christian Scholz (Kfm. Bereichsleiter) und Simon Pfeffer (Techn. Bereichsleiter)
Foto vlnr: Anton Sonner (Kalkulation), Armin Bischofberger (Leitung Brettsperrholz Produktion), Heinz Thurik (Leitung Bausysteme)
Foto vlnr: Sarah Reißner, Gabriel Petrus, Luis Göttler, Dominik Lindermeir
Foto: Anton Sonner, Kalkulation

Good conversations take place everywhere!
True to this motto, ZÜBLIN Timber's new image film invites you into its world of timber construction in a very personal and up-close way.
After all, good conversations form the basis of our internal and external communication, both among colleagues and with our construction partners.
The red sofa travels through the scenery from the forest of origin to production and the construction site with different Timber cast members.
Colleagues talk about their passion for timber construction, what makes ZÜBLIN Timber special and why wood is the most beautiful building material in the world.

Watch here: Timber construction with us - image film (3:12 min.)