Project Development
Turnkey construction in timber and much more.
Building your vision - with this promise we are setting new standards of performance: At ZÜBLIN Timber you can expect optimal solutions, constructive partnership and competence in all trades.
We bring together all trades, so that your visions can take shape – whether as a new construction, extension or conversion, or for turnkey public buildings, industrial structures or multi-storey residential buildings.
Your project is never too big for us. As a market leader in Europe, we are used to responding to any project size effectively – in terms of both cost effectiveness and with a broad base of expertise.
It need not be all in timber. Our expertise allows sophisticated combinations with other materials, so that your timber construction project meets all technical and commercial modern requirements.
Our Central Technical Division (ZT), comprising around 800 experts, pools the most important technical expertise in the entire STRABAG Group. The range of services spans the entire construction process, from the acquisition phase to tender processing, and from construction design to site management.
See for more details.
The future of construction is partnership. Only when everyone involved in the project has a productive, open and trusting working relationship, can all goals be achieved successfully and with maximum efficiency.
This is the fundamental principle of the ZÜBLIN ‘teamconcept’.
See for more details on ZÜBLIN ‘teamconcept’.