
30 years of tools and connectors at ZÜBLIN Timber

Established on 1 July 1990, the Tools and Connection Technology business unit has become a favourite one-stop shop for professional tool enthusiasts in the past 30 years. Initially with just one product in its line-up, the legendary MGA post base, the company launched an offensive to market the product and promote the business field.

Over the years, the assortment has been successfully extended from one post base to more than 500 different products and the company has expanded its cooperation to include 36 separate dealers. While customers had initially consisted of smaller carpentry firms, the company recently began to focus increasingly on large companies (e.g. prefab home builders) and the retail sector – the second important pillar besides direct sales. With the growth of digitalisation and the arrival of online retail, a separate web store (www.zimmereibedarf.com) was launched on 1 April 2010 where customers can now conveniently order everything they need at any time no matter where they are. Of the total sales volume of € 1 million per year, 50 % is attributable to retail, 40 % to direct sales and approximately 10 % to the online business.

In addition to buying and reselling products from other manufacturers, we also develop special designs in-house – including custom-made products such as drilling systems. Together with the post bases, these are among the bestsellers in the tools and connectors range. Our products are approved and ETA-certified and include numerous patents and utility models. In the past years, 30 special-purpose drill bits and 3 special-purpose tools have been developed in-house. Approximately 45,000 articles from the tools and connectors assortment are sold every year, 24,000 of which are post bases – a real classic in the product range.

Visit our web shop at www.zimmereibedarf.com.